3-channel audio a. Sierra Nevada, mono audio, 5 min. b. 30-meter millimeter-wave radio astronomy observatory, mono audio, 6 min. c. Old mine, mono audio, 11 min. |
〈5, 6, 11〉 is a three-channel audio installation work composed of mono sounds. The 5-minute sound (a) is recorded during a visit to an observatory in the Sierra Nevada mountains in Spain. It captures footsteps and movement sounds, highlighting the physicality and mobility within the piece. The 6-minute sound (b) records the sounds produced by the operation of observation equipment within the observatory. The 11-minute sound (c) is recorded in an abandoned mine, with a structure that reverses the sound in the latter part of the work. These three sounds operate independently, accompanied by three 16mm projectors and seven screens, each functioning on its own timescale. |
Recording: Andrés García Vidal Editing: Andrés García Vidal, Constanza Castagnet |
Documentation photography: Dongwoong Lee
Exhibition view at K-Arts Space, Seoul, 2024